About us
Our mission is to deliver the highest quality innovative designs for both public and private clients. Our team of dedicated professionals have the experience and skills necessary to carry out this mission. With over 75 years of combined experience, our core staff provides the foundation for this professional team.
At Freeland & Associates, Inc. we provide direct Principal involvement in all of our projects. This hands-on approach provides our client with a seamless experience from first contact through project completion. From commercial site plans to innovative stormwater management facilities, we have the skills and experience to deliver the highest quality services to all of our clients.
Talented people are the driving force behind successful projects at Freeland & Associates, Inc. Project and life experiences coupled with a connection to the community allows our team to excel.

Tony Freeland is the President of Freeland & Associates, Inc. Primary responsibilities include general management of the company and civil engineering activities associated with specific projects. Project Manager and Engineer for hundreds of civil engineering projects in the Pacific Northwest area since 1985, Tony is experienced in water system design, municipal sewer pump stations, fire suppression systems, sanitary sewer and water system design, and municipal site design.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 1984, University of Tennessee

J.P. Slagle is an Associate and Partner of Freeland & Associates, Inc. Primary responsibilities include management of design staff and civil engineering activities. J.P. oversees numerous projects every year and has been providing civil engineering services at Freeland & Associates, Inc. for over fifteen years. J.P. is experienced in the design of municipal utility systems, site design and layout, and stormwater management with an emphasis on low impact development techniques.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2001, Washington State University

Michael Bratt is an Associate and Partner of Freeland & Associates, Inc. Primary responsibilities include management of civil engineering activities, along with completion of studies, reports, project design and preparation of project plans and specifications. Design Engineer and Project Manager for projects throughout the Pacific Northwest area since 2005, Mike is experienced in the study and design of water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage facilities, and municipal site design.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2005, Calvin College

Inga Drechsel is a design engineer at Freeland & Associates, Inc. She focuses on stormwater modeling and facility design using WWHM software. Inga is also a certified erosion and sediment control lead that specializes in preparation of stormwater pollution prevention plans, NPDES permitting through the Department of Ecology, and site inspections.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 1997; Walla Walla University

Miles McEathron is a project manager and professional engineer at Freeland & Associates, Inc. Miles has over ten years of experience on public and private projects in the Puget Sound region. He is skilled in stormwater designs including low impact development and green stormwater facilities. Miles has worked on site development projects ranging from schools and parks to single family residential.
B.S. Engineering Physics, 2006; Point Loma Nazarene University

Sarah Edens is a design engineer at Freeland & Associates, Inc. Sarah specializes in low impact stormwater design and has enjoyed the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, from schools and large-scale commercial projects to residential projects. She is also a certified erosion and sediment control lead.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2019; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Eric Pree is a senior civil designer and I.T. specialist at Freeland & Associates, Inc. His background in architecture, survey mapping, and GIS is an asset that allows our projects to be fully integrated with the design team.

Gabby Kinney is a design engineer and recent graduate from Gonzaga University in civil engineering. Gabby brings a fresh perspective and open mind to Freeland & Associates, Inc.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2021; Gonzaga University

Davis Phillips is a project manager and professional engineer at Freeland & Associates, Inc. He has honed his technical knowledge on on both private and public projects. He is continuously learning to blend this technical knowledge with his innate personal skills. Davis is adept at site design and stormwater management with an emphasis on low impact design techniques.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2018; Gonzaga University

Sarah Freeland is a planner and senior permit coordinator. Sarah excells in project organization and oversight at Freeland & Associates, Inc.
Bellingham Tech, 2014

Nick Palewicz is a project manager and professional engineer at Freeland & Associates, Inc. Nick brings a broad range of civil site design experiance from local and national projects, both public and private. He enjoys taking on challenges with an architectural focus. Nick uses a low impact approach and is an expert in site and water sustainability rating systems.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2013; University of Washington

Grace Rogers is a design engineer and recent graduate from Gonzaga University in civil engineering. Grace contributes enthusiasm and creativity to all of the projects she works on.
B.S. Civil Engineering, 2021; Gonzaga University